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Why Does My AC Keep Tripping the Circuit Breaker?
Itbs the middle of a hot day, and suddenly the air conditioning system thatbs keeping your home cooled down and pleasant shuts off. You go…
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Help: My AC Won’t Shut Off and There’s Ice on It!
The Runaway AC and the Frozen Coil Dealing with a malfunctioning air conditioner that refuses to shut off and has a frozen coil is a…
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The Dangers of Low Refrigerant in an Air Conditioning System
People often misunderstand the role of refrigerant (a.k.a. bFreonb) in an air conditioner. Refrigerant is not a type of fuel: an AC doesnbt use up…
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Why Is My Air Conditioning System Becoming Inefficient?
As the season for air conditioning gets underway, make sure to take a close look at your electrical bills each month to see if the…
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How Air Conditioning Repair May Result from Poor Installation
The money you think youbll save with an inexperienced installerbor even trying to take on the work yourselfbwill vanish under a mound of repair bills…
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