
remote-home-controlsThe speed at which HVAC technology is advancing with each year is amazing. And therebs no part of an HVAC system where this progress is easier to see than in thermostat technology. The days of the bslider-n-dialsb manual thermostat are far behind, and even the digital thermostat is old news. The Wi-Fi thermostat with bsmartb technology is the current top-of-the-line when it comes to climate controls.
We recommend homeowners look into installing a Wi-Fi thermostat for their home to help increase their energy savings without a drop in comfort. We especially recommend them for any new heating and air conditioning system installation, when our technicians can best match the thermostat to the HVAC system for best performance. We can also see about how to retrofit an older system with an improved thermostat.

The Wi-Fi Thermostat Advantages

No matter what type of earlier thermostat technology you currently have (manual, non-programmable digital, programmable digital), a wireless model with bsmartb technology offers many benefits for a household.

Donbt Try to Purchase and Install a Wi-Fi Thermostat Yourself!

We mentioned a bcautionb in the title, and itbs an important one. A Wi-Fi thermostat isnbt necessarily an automatic improvement for an HVAC system. In fact, it can backfire in a major way if the installment isnbt handled by professionals like ours. Homeowners often shop for new thermostats online, find what looks like a great deal on a Wi-Fi thermostat, then buy it and attempt to install it themselves.
Herebs the problem with that: it may invalidate the warranty on the equipment! A new thermostat may not be suited to the original AC and heater and cause damage to them. You want to ensure you have the right new climate control system, and that professionals take care of the job of connecting it. This will ensure you not only receive the full benefits of the advanced thermostat, but that you donbt end up invalidating the warranty.
When it comes to selecting and installing a thermostat in Arden, NC or elsewhere in Western North Carolina, you can rely on our team. We are 100% devoted to your complete satisfaction in our services. Call us today and learn more about the best new thermostat options for your house.

Comfort Central, Inc. serves the heating, cooling, and environmental needs of Western North Carolina.