
air-conditionerConsidering how hot the summer months are around here, it makes sense to give some extra attention to matters of energy efficiency when it comes to cooling your home. The good news is that you really don’t need to replace your entire air conditioner with a brand new, high-efficiency system to cool your home more affordably. If the time is right for an AC replacement, of course, then investing in efficiency is definitely the way to go.
If you’re going to be using your existing system for the foreseeable future, though, this is the post for you.B While you cannot magically give your AC a higher efficiency rating or capability than it has, you can help it to function as efficiently as it can while cutting back on cooling costsbandB without cutting back on comfort. So read on, and be sure to let us know if you’re not 100% satisfied with your air conditioning in Hendersonville, NC.

Replace Air Filters Regularly

One of the simplest ways in which to keep your AC system running as effectively and efficiently as possible is to replace your air filter as needed. This air filter is probably going to require replacement every 1-3 months. That is just a general rule, though. Always check in on your air filter yourself to assess its condition, and refer to your system’s manual to get a sense of what the suggested timeframe is.

Use Heavy Curtains

Hearing the word “heavy” during the summer time may make you sweat a bit. Heavy meals, heavy coats, heavy bootsbthe hottest time of the year really isn’t the right time for most of this stuff. However, heavy curtains can help you to block out thermal energy from the sun that would penetrate your home. It can also help to limit heat transfer through window panes and construction materials into your home. Let the sun shine in the mornings and evenings, but keep the curtains drawn during the hottest time of the year.

Open Windows During Cool Periods

This helps to keep the air in your home fresh, as well. Yes, your inclination may be to seal your home up as tight as possible to keep the heat out during the summer season. Cool mornings and nights give you the opportunity to ventilate your home while giving your AC a well-deserved rest. Just make sure that you remember to seal them up and trap cool air in before the sun really starts to warm things up again.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

Are you using an old manual thermostat or an extremely basic digital model? Then you definitely want to upgrade that. It’s much cheaper than investing in a brand new system, and the added control that a programmable thermostat or a compatible smart thermostat model give you can help you to limit cooling costs while actually improving comfort.

Schedule Maintenance

There is no argument here. The best thing that you can do for both the efficiency and the reliability of your air conditioner is to schedule routine air conditioning maintenance. Our maintenance program makes that easy, so call today.

Schedule your AC services withB Comfort Central, Inc.