
furnaceNo matter how efficient your furnace is, you are going to have to pay for your comfort throughout the heating season. While our winters may not be extreme in terms of temperature or snowfall, it is safe to say that you'll be running your furnace quite a bit. That heating bill will start to add up over the course of the season especially if you fail to take certain steps that help to protect your system's efficiency.
Regardless of your furnace's efficiency rating, you want to be sure that you're getting the most efficient performance that your particular system has to offer. We've got some tips to help you heat your home with your furnace in the most efficient manner possible. No, we won't tell you that you need to upgrade to the most efficient system on the market, either though, a full replacement is definitely a furnace service in Hendersonville, NC that we excel in!

You Need to Control Your Furnace Effectively

No, you don't need to replace an entire furnace to heat your home more efficiently and affordably. That doesn't mean that you don't stand to benefit substantially from replacing a part of that system, though.
If you are looking for a relatively simple upgrade that can not only boost your furnace's efficiency, but it's overall performance quality, too, then consider upgrading your thermostat. If you're still using an old manual thermostat, then you definitely want to do something about that. However, while better than a manual model, a basic digital thermostat isn't necessarily where you should stop. Programmability is one thing, but a smart thermostat is a whole other level of control. Let us help you to decide if this technology is right for your system and for your personal user preferences.

You Need a Fresh Air Filter

There is no simpler way to keep your furnace heating your home effectively and affordably than by simply ensuring that your furnace has a fresh filter in place at all times. These standard filters are incredibly affordable themselves, and changing yours regularly will help you to cut down on airflow resistance that can both drive up operating costs while also increasing the risk of damage to your system.
There are a lot of factors that will influence just how frequently you'll need to change your air filter, but you're typically looking at somewhere in the range of every 1-3 months. When in doubt, pull that filter out and give it a quick visual check.

Schedule Routine Maintenance with Our Team

If you're not a member of our maintenance program already, well you're really missing out. Schedule service with our team, enjoy discounts and other benefits and know that you're getting the most efficient performance that your furnace has to offer. There is just no better way to protect the overall condition of your furnace and the efficiency with which it operates than through professional, routine maintenance. Contact a member of our team to enroll in a program that protects both your comfort and your budget.

Schedule your heating services with Comfort Central, Inc.