
September is the time when we place a special emphasis on heating maintenance for our customers. Early in the fall is the ideal time for one of our HVAC technicians to come to your house and give your heating system a thorough inspection and whatever cleanings and general tune-up work is necessary. This helps to prevent breakdowns and other malfunctions during the winter, and it also extends equipment life and keeps your energy bills from rising unnecessarily.
Below are answers to some of the more common questions that customers ask about regular heating maintenance.

Do all heating systems require maintenance?

Yes, they do. The type of maintenance varies depending on the system, of course, but heat pumps and electric furnaces need the routine attention as much as natural gas furnaces. The amount of wear that any heater undergoes during a season is enough to warrant a check-up and tune-up each fall.

How much can I expect to save thanks to regular maintenance?

It depends on your homebs heating requirements and the type of heater you have. But we can give you a specific number that comes from studies by the U.S. Department of Energy: a heating system that has maintenance done regularly costs on average $33 less to run than a system that isnbt regularly maintained.

I missed heating maintenance last year. Should I bother this year?

Absolutely! Although itbs unfortunate that you didnbt have maintenance done last year, itbs never too late to get started and reduce potential problems with the heating system. And when you sign up for a residential maintenance program, you wonbt have to worry about forgetting to schedule your maintenance visit, since youbll receive reminder notices.

Find out more about our residential maintenance program and call Comfort Central, Inc. today. We offer quality HVAC services to Hendersonville, NC and the rest of Western North Carolina.