
water-dropletsWe recently addressed ways to combat allergy season in your home, and one of the recommendations we touched on briefly was to have our professionals install a whole-house dehumidifier. But you donbt need to be concerned only with allergies to want a dehumidifier installed into your HVAC system. We recommend scheduling this service with us before the real summer weather arrives. Itbs one of the best ways to stay comfortable, save energy, and protect your home from the dangers of mold.

The Air Conditioner Is Not Sufficient for Dehumidification

This is a common error people make when thinking about how to lower humidity levels in their homes. As an air conditioner runs, it draws moisture from the air along with the heatbsomething like a package deal. Youbll hear this at work on occasion as a dripping sound coming from the AC cabinet. But this dehumidifying property of an air conditioner isnbt enough to properly balance relative humidity in a home. The excess humidity in a North Carolina spring and summer will overwhelm the air conditioner. It can even lead to algal growth in the condensate drain, which will create the need for AC repairs.
No, youbll need a dedicated dehumidifier for this jobb&

The Whole-House Dehumidifier in Action

In many ways, a dehumidifier works the same as an air conditioner: a refrigerant coil evaporates chemical refrigerant to absorb heat from the air and moisture along with it. However, the same way an AC isnbt designed to control moisture, a dehumidifier isnbt designed to control heat. Itbs focused on removing moisture and draining it away. To prevent interference with the air conditioner, the dehumidifier reheats the air after draining away the excess humidity. This keeps proper balance in the HVAC system so the home has precision cooling along with humidity control.

The Multiple Ways a Whole-House Dehumidifier Help Your Home

For indoor air quality service in Hendersonville, NC and elsewhere in Western North Carolina, webre the team to call. Along with whole-house dehumidifiers, we also install humidifiers (you may need one in the winter), air purifiers, and air filters. When you require air conditioning assistance webll take care of that as well.

Serving Western North Carolinabs Heating, Cooling, and Indoor Environmental Needs: Comfort Central, Inc.